Savings accounts at Pocono Medical Center Federal Credit Union earn dividends (return of investments paid directly to you the members) and are paid on the last day of each quarter.
Dividends are determined by the Board of Directors each quarter after the necessary operating expenses are paid and the legal reserves set up. There is no set or fixed rate, as it is dependent on the earnings. The Board of Directors also take into account the interest rates at local financial institutions when analyzing the dividend rate each quarter.
12 months 8.50% A.P.R.*
13-24 months 9.50% A.P.R.*
25-48 months 12.00% A.P.R.*
Check out the Special of the Month section for Loan Specials throughout the year!
We finance up to 100% of the purchase price. up to $48,000.00
Refinance your current new auto loan with us within 3 months to be eligible for the
new auto loan rates!
Up to 60 months 6.00% A.P.R.*
72 months 6.25% A.P.R.*
We finance up to 125% of the NADA/Kelley Book Value up to $28,000.00
Refinance your current used auto loan with us (contact the credit union office for more information)
2021-or newer 7.50%* Up to 60 months
8.00%* Up to 72 months
2020 8.25%* Up to 60 months
2019 9.00%* Up to 48 months
2018 9.50%* Up to 36 months
Up to 60 months 1.99% A.P.R.*
While you are doing your comparison shopping for a new vehicle, be sure to take a look at the 2025 fuel economy guide provided by U.S. Department of Energy at
*Annual Percentage Rates are subject to change without notice: contact the office for current rates.